Monday, September 19, 2011


Sometimes, it's difficult for me to express my thoughts in front of people. There are a bunch of ideas that my mind loads in every single situation, but they just don't come out easily, and my brain has reached the maximum level of data. I'm better juggling with written words than spoken words, and that's why I'm starting this blog. I also want to improve my writing skills in all the languages I speak. My native language is Spanish, but I love English, and know Italian, so this blog will be Spanglishian. 
I would like to start blogging with an essay I made a year ago, so eager to create this blog by that time, but just didn't. It's a personal insight about The Killers popular song: 'Human', which it was presented to me in a very difficult situation, so I made a significant association. Enjoy! 

"Are we Humans or are we Dancers?"

You can choose your own path to life. Forget manuals. 

Human by The Killers.

This song can be interpreted in many ways, depending in the meaning you have about being a ‘Human’ or a ‘Dancer’. I define a human as someone capable of taking his own decisions. It is clear that the way he sees life it’s different from anyone else, but he has the courage to make his own mistakes and learn from them. On the other hand, I define a dancer simply as a puppet, whom actions and thoughts are a projection of their puppeteers; a robot that only follows the path others has taken, maybe because they are afraid to make their own, or just to satisfy them in order to be considered as people that are taking the right path (according to them).

These puppeteers deny or can’t accept the fact that life’s complicated, and it was meant to be that way since the very beginning. It is a true statement that we are not going to live longer enough to make all the mistakes, we need to learn some of them by others experiences. Nevertheless, it is also true that in some situations, even if you try to analyze carefully those experiences, you won’t learn anything unless you experience it by yourself.

Personally, my puppeteers have always given me a manual to follow in certain situations of my life. Naturally, here comes a curious and troublesome question blowing up my mind: what if, I don’t want to follow the same manual? Additionally, I can’t avoid asking myself: what if that manual doesn’t reach my own happiness? And, of course, a statement: just because that manual made someone happy once or twice doesn’t mean it is going to work always for the rest.  My own definition about a manual is, certainly, a guide in which there are procedures and steps to make something work in case you don’t know where to start, but the way you develop yourself through that manual making it work, depends totally on you. You can follow all the procedures and steps literally; or rather you can choose larger or short routes to come up with the main purpose by yourself. It might be a minimum feeling, but it is a great satisfaction you feel when you make something work without even looking at the manual.   

Definitely, the key is to follow your heart instead of thinking too much with your brain. Being clever doesn't mean to take decisions only with your head, stepping aside your heart, this way you’ll only feel you’re just fulfilling the mission assigned by your puppeteer instead of accomplishing a mission assigned by yourself; being clever is to analyze with your head the pros and cons of the situation, and make a balance between both sides. And, at the same time, recognizing that your heart is the one that makes you feel comfortable and happy, no matter what decision you make. If you’re not good with your heart, then you’re not living.  

At this point, we have to be clear that humans tend to make mistakes, it’s in their nature. As humans we may stumble a thousand of times, but anything else makes us stronger than getting up and learn. Things in life can’t work out always as planned, but to accept and learn that just because they weren't as they were supposed to be, isn't the end of the world, is more valuable. In order to live your own experiences, you have to be capable to know what do you want in your life pursuing your own happiness. This procedure is not easy at all, we tend to care about others opinions and our decisions are constantly affected by their judgments, especially, when we’re talking about family and friends, but we can’t let them control our lives. They can present and support their point of view, but they can’t never force or threat you to do them. Living your life with your heart is the best gift you can take from her, because in the end, it's your own happiness you’re building, no one else.  

Finally, I would like to make an analogy between life problems and Math problems. In Math, there are different and many ways to solve a problem. Pythagoras, Archimedes, Newton, Ruffini, Gauss, Fourier and others great mathematicians of history had their own methods and theories to solve them. Nowadays, we can see how each person can solve them differently, following the rules and patterns established by these mathematicians. Regarding these procedures, some of them are short and easier, others are long and difficult, but it’s the final result that matters. If you got the answer, and your solution was based on the rules already settled to be considered as a correct answer, then it doesn't matter what lane you took. To me, life problems are similar.
I always argue with my puppeteers about this analogy, because they prefer me as a dancer, but I refuse to follow their manual. Just because you see life in a different way, doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong path.

Question -> concerning the title: "Are we humans or are we dancers”, which one are you?

My answer -> I consider that we are not here to be perfect; we’re here to be humans. I’ll fight to be a human in every way, every single second of my life.

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